Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday....A tale of two Parents

Happy Easter everyone! What a wonderful day to rejoice and celebrate the miracle of life :)

As usual. My day started pretty similar to any other day...Daddy came into my room at about 6 in the morning and changed my diaper, then passed me off to Mommy for some breakfast. Today, however, they didn't put me back to bed after my breakfast. Instead Mommy started dressing me up and posing me for pictures again today. After I saw the mysterious basket filled with candy in my room, I decided to play along....again. Mommy and Daddy did something weird though this morning, they dressed themselves up fancy too. Then guess what they did???? Took pictures of me, shocking right, I mean how much have I changed since last night?

Then Mommy and Daddy put me in my car seat (again) and drove me over to our Church (St. Alphonsus Catholic Church). Then they actually took pictures of me in the church and out front of the church to prove to my grandparents that we went to Mass on Easter....Can you believe it?

After Church we met up with my friend Erin Listi and her parents Frank and Peggy (whom we had a chance to have some fun with yesterday too :), then we went home and can you guess what Mommy and Daddy did got it, they set me up and posed me for more pictures, at least this time with the mysterious candy basket in the picture. I can't wait until I have teeth. It was amazing to see, it was as if all the candy in this "Easter Basket" that supposedly a phantom bunny delivered while I was sleeping last night, was exactly the type of candy that my parents like. What's next, in the winter telling me some dude is going to come down the chimney and give me all the presents that I want? I suppose I will play along with that as well....

Finally, after the pictures were over, Daddy got a chance to dress me for the first and possibly last time : ) Enjoy it while it lasts Daddy, I think Mommy is going to do the honors for a while now : ) I mean, what is up with the Zebra socks Dad? By the way, the bones on my shirt glow in the dark, I definitely must not be leaving the house again today if Mommy let this happen!

Anyways, I want to wish any and all of you reading this and my friends and family that aren't a wonderful Easter holiday. I love you all, and can't wait to see you all soon : )


  1. This may be the cutest blog ever! Love it! Happy Easter Oberholtzer's.


  2. Drew: Believe me I understand eggzackly what you are going through and I'm going to give you a piece of really good advice. Talk to your Dad because it's an Italian female thing to need to control the attire of the males around them. I have been dealing with this for over 40 years and your Dad has been likely dealing with it for at least 2 years...but don't ask us if you want to know how to deal with it...because we have NO IDEA! Actually, Uncle Colin may have the best advice although I don't know how long it might be before you could get away to Montana and wear what you want to wear.
    Take as a consolation that you (and your Dad and I) always look good. I see you are putting on some pounds - are you lifting weights or just doing the regular feedings? Whatever it is, keep it up!
    I'm glad you have your parents whipped into such good behavior took me about 21 years. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon and giving you some more of my advanced wisdom.
    I love you...and your parents.
    Signed: Your Nonni's husband (Grandfather).

  3. He is starting to smile alot!! That's soo fun! I'm glad you had a good Easter and Drew learned about Mass. Makes his Godmother happy! :)

  4. LOVE THIS! I hope I get to meet you soon Drew! I have LOTS of great stories about your Daddy;-) We'll talk soon....
    Also, the Boob Man hat is hilarious!
    Much Much Love,
    Your best cousin, Linds

  5. Ok, I'm a little behind in reading this - SO cute. Ummm, just wondering, who gets to help the lil guy eat the Easter candy? I'm available to snag a peep or two. :o)
